Delivery Information

1. Delivery date and time shall be dependent upon the recipt of all necessary information, instructions and approval from the customer. Alteration in any design or change of required product will result in change in delivery time subject to stock availability and price review.

 2. Failure by the customer to take delivery of consigned items will result in the order considered as cancelled from the customer’s end, unless the circumstances are intimated to SKY VISION.

 3. Syk Vision shall endeavour to comply with reasonable requests regarding delivery from the customer, but is not under an obligation to comply with all of customer’s requests. Other than the case of default by the company, the customer shall bear the cost of transportation of required equipment to the customer designated location. In case storage or any specific conditions need to be arranged , the customer shall cover the costs for these additional services.

 4. Delivery time shall be between three to four weeks upon confirmation of availability of stock. Sky Vision shall endeavour to minimize the delivery time to the maximum extent possible, but is not obligated to deliver within the above stipulated time.

 5. The customer shall be responsible for taxes , tarriffs and other government fees required

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